
English text follows Japanese.
fashion tvがお送りする大人のための音楽とパフォーマンスアートのイベントをご案内します。

ファッションとは身につける服やアクセサリー、シューズだけではなく、ライフスタイルそのものであると信じるfashion tvが東京随一のスタイリッシュなNew York Loungeを舞台に提案するラウンジパーティー!

A spring party with the top entertainment at a gorgeous hotel lounge!
fashion tv presents an all night event with music, samurai sword perfromance and dance for adults.

“We want everyone to enjoy fashion more”
It is fashion tv’s belief that fashion is not only about what you wear but lifestyle itself.
ANSWERS LOUNGE is a party proposed by fashion tv with celebrities in the fashion world and quality entertainment at Tokyo’s one of the most stylish venues, New York Lounge, .
Please come and enjoy the spring feast designed to make you engage in a global and fashionable community.
There will be a free buffet of fresh fruits from Dole. If you’d like to enjoy it please come early!
The details are on the link below. ↓↓↓↓

OFF THE ROCKER (Shinichi Osawa + Masatoshi Uemura)

【OFF THE ROCKER (Shinichi Osawa + Masatoshi Uemura)】
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大沢伸一とサウンド、プレイスタイルで共鳴し合うbonjour recordsの上村真俊によるDJデュオ。事前の打ち合わせを一切せずにその場の反応で1曲づつ交互にスピンするBACK TO BACKのDJプレイは、それぞれの単独プレイより意外性と相乗性をもって変幻自在にフロアを盛り上げる。OFF THE ROCKERとは“イカレてる”というスラングと、ROCKなDJスタイルのダブルミーニング。レギュラーパーティーは渋谷VISIONでの「RAD」。
「ソファで聴くダンスミュージック」をコンセプトとしたMIX-CD「SOFA DISCO」をシリーズでリリースし、タイトルを冠にしたパーティーもおこなっている。
Shinichi Osawa and Masatoshi Uemura of bonjour records resonate each other with sound and playing style. Without any pre-arrangement, they take turn to play after each track by improvisation in response to the audience reaction. OFF THE ROCKER means crazy or out of control but it also implies their rocking DJ style. They have a regular party “RAD” at Vision in Shibuya
They have released MIX-CD “SOFA DISCO” with the concept of “the dance music on sofas” and organize a party with its name as the title.

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リーダー島口哲朗はQ・タランティーノ監督に絶賛され、2003年『KILL BILL vol.1』の殺陣振付(日本パート)・出演(CRAZY88 MIKI役)に抜擢されている。
イタリア、ポーランドでの定期公演、ワークショップ他、ロシアのエルミタージュ美術館公演やパリのJAPAN EXPOゲスト出演などでも大喝采を浴び、伝統と革新が融合する現代の「サムライ文化」として世界に向けて発信している。
Kamui is a world-wide “Samurai Sword Artist” group and its performance is based on the original method, “Kengido,” which is a mixed style of Japanese sword play (Kenjutsu) and expressive arts.
The leader of KAMUI, Tetsuro Shimaguchi choreographed the sword fighting scenes of the movie KILL BILL vol.1, and performed as CRAZY88-MIKI.
They have performed at many theaters and festivals around the world, including at Ermitage Museum in Russia, Japan EXPO in France, JFK Center in the US and Teatro Della Pergola and Palazzo Vecchio in Italy.

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3歳からクラシックピアノを始め 自身で作曲をしてきたIVORYはDJを始める為ロサンゼルスへと移動し活動を始める。風光明媚なメキシコの高級リゾート地サンホセ・デル・カボの人気クラブ11:11 Disco RoomでDJデビューを飾る。
彼女が作るメロディアスで迫力のある プログレッシブハウス、EDM、エレクトロハウス、トランスミュージックは人々を魅了し次々とチャンスを掴んでいく。
ロスではExchange LA night club, Avalon といったハウスやEDMでの有名クラブでDJを続けていて 2015年にはラスベガスHakkasanでのメインステージの経験ももつ。

DJ IVORY’s music career began when she started learning a classical piano. Later she found herself composing the music and decided to move to LA to become a DJ. Her debut was at 11:11 Disco Room, a renowned club in San Jose Del Cabo in Mexico, a beautiful high-end beach resort.
Her original tracks of Progressive House, EDM, Electro House and Trans Music are melodious and powerful and they helped her to play at top clubs and private parties of LA celebrities.
She DJs regularly at LA night club, Avalon and in 2015 played on the main stage of Hakkasan in Las Vegas.
She makes a special appearance at ANSWERS LOUNGE during her short visit to Tokyo this time.

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1990年から様々なハウスパーティーやバー、ラジオでDJとして活動し、2005年の来日以来、仙台を拠点とし2007年には仙台にて毎月開催されるダンスパーティー「エコノニック」のメインオーガナイザーを務める。その後2010年に上京しWomb、Club Asia、Ageha、Warehouse、Club Air、Origami、Xex Nihonbashi、 Sound Vision、Elevenなどの都内最大級のクラブでゲストDJとして出演。今はラジオ局「ネイション」のオーガナイザーであり、毎月開催されるクラブイベント「Tokyo House Collective」のレギュラーDJも務める。

Dj Mixture is a British DJ and Event Organizer. His interest in dance goes back to the early 1990’s djing at various House Parties, Bars and Pirate Radio.Moving to Japan in 2005 he continued to dj at Bars and Clubs in Sendai. 2007 saw him become the main Organizer for the very successful Sendai monthly dance party Echophonyk. After moving to Tokyo in 2010 he has been a guest dj at Tokyo’s biggest club music venues and events. Club venues include Womb, Club Asia, Club Air, Origami, Xex Nihonbashi, Sound Vision, Ageha, Warehouse and Eleven. He is a Resident DJ and co-organizer of the monthly club event Tokyo House Collective and also hosts his weekly international House Beats Radio Show every Friday on D3EP Radio Network.

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His DJ style is a crossover of the latest tune in the world and the most-beloved sound in the club music scene, His DJ activity is not limited to club events, but also radio programs , TV shows , exhibition receptions. He also makes CM music and original songs.

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オリジナルの楽曲と振り付けで常に観客を驚かせるJuicy Circusの主要メンバーであり、世界で絶賛されるダンスと映像の融合パフォーマンスチームOrientarhythmのメンバーに今年から抜擢されたKIKI
KIKI is a core member of Juicy Circus, a dance unit that always surprises the audience with its original music and choreography. She also started performing from this year in Orientarhythm, a unique performance team that combines graphical images and dance movements.

* 20歳未満のお客様の参加はお断りをいたします。お客様によっては、年齢確認できる身分証等の提示を求めます。
* You need to be 20 years old or older in order to participate in this event. You might be asked to show your photo ID.

* ご購入後の前売り券キャンセル、払い戻しには応じられません。
* We accept no cancellation or offer no refund once you purchase a ticket.

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Supported by Dole, MHD, Asahi Beer and Jack Daniels